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How to update the Golf course?

How to update the Golf course?

If you find any golf course missing or inacurate , please contact our customer service through We will send you the updated course map as soon as possible.

To update the new course into the watch, please follow below steps:

  • Get the updated course file ‘’ from our website or customer service.
  • Connect the Canmore device to your computer using the cable provided with the watch. The watch will show on your computer as “GOLF” disk.
  • Drag the ‘’ file onto the GOLF disk, and choose “Replace the file in the destination”.
  • Wait until the file copied completely, safely eject the GOLF disk and disconnect the watch from the cable.
  • Check the map version on the watch by going to [SETTINGS] → [About Watch] and looking at the number at the bottom. It should be changed.

To learn how to update the Course into watch, please refer to the following videos.
Through PC:
Through Mac:

Please NOTE:

  • On the watch, the updated golf course will be shown as “(New)xxxx”. In other words, please select the course starting with the word "(New)...."
  • The device operates as an USB device when you connect it to the Computer.   If you charge the device through the computer USB port, it needs to be safely ejected to avoid the data messed up.

If the numbers didn't change, it means the update is not completed. There might be following possibilities.

  • The file "" can not be renamed.
  • The file "" needs to be put under the "GOLF" disk directly. (Don't put it into any folder)
  • Please choose “Replace the file in the destination” while you put the "" into GOLF disk.
    → If the PC didn't show “Replace the file in the destination” option, you can delete the old "" from the device and then put the new "".

How to check if a certain course is available?

How to check if a certain course is available?

  • Please enter COURSES page of CANMORE website.
  • Enter a keyword and click Search, you will find the search results.
    Note: The keyword must exceed 5 digits.(Latin alphabet only.) Please avoid the words: golf, club, villa, course, resort.
  • If a DATE comes after the course name, it means it has been updated on that date.
  • Please click the download button to download the new course map. This file is usually saved in the "download" folder of the PC. Please refer to the figures below for details.

  • (1) Enter a keyword and click Search, you will find the search results.

    (2) Click Search and wait a few seconds, you will find the result. If a DATE comes after the course name, it means it has been updated on that date.



If the watch does not have a golf course that I want or the course data is wrong, how can I do it?

If the watch does not have a golf course that I want or the course data is wrong, how can I do it?

Please email us the course detail, including course name, country, state, city and correct course data (if available). After receiving your request, we will arrange an update for you free of charge. The course map will be updated periodically when available.

Customer service email :